COMMIUS is an FP7-EU funded project

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Project Information

This is the COMMIUS project home page on SourceForge, where you can access the Open Source code and become member of the COMMIUS developers' community.

The project was registered on on Feb 11, 2010, and it's main objective is to design and develop a Community-based interoperability Utility for SMEs. COMMIUS main objective is to support the SMEs with a zero, or very low-cost, entry into interoperability, based on non-proprietary protocols. COMMIUS is an EU-FP7 funded project.

Enterprise interoperability has been addressed by research for decades without real success and little impact on SMEs. The market still lacks an affordable, easy to integrate solution: SMEs instead face costly investment, extensive integration effort and significant revision of their working tools and systems.

COMMIUS will build such interoperability tools for SMEs, allowing them to reuse existing and familiar applications for electronic communication. The tools will be downloaded with an SME's consent using automated self-installation routines. The tools will hook into their email infrastructure.

You will find more information on the project web site


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Of benefit to users, Open Source software is licensed so you can download and use the software free-of-charge. The source code for this software is made available free-of-charge, you (or a programmer you hire) can make changes to this software to better meet your needs, and you can release your changed code back to the community passing the benefit on to other users.

The exact license terms used by this project on their project summary page and in the licensing documents included in their downloads.